"Remember these words from Barack Hussein Obama: 'If any [b]ill comes across my desk filled with earmarks I will [v]eto it!' Or this: 'We need earmark reform and when I’m president, I will go line by line to make sure we’re not spending money unwisely.'
Well, the master of double speak has proven once again that he can’t be trusted to keep his word. After calling the $410 billion omnibus bill 'imperfect', Obama signed the bill containing 8,500 earmarks into law anyway. But unlike the hype surrounding the signing of the $800 billion stimulus package, Obama signed the earmark pork bill behind closed doors."
~Sandra Rose
Of course his supporters will find a way to justify this as they do with everything else he flubs up.
I like how the author used his middle name. It's something we shouldn't be ashamed of or shy away from. This is a diverse country with millions of Muslim-Americans. The more we use it, the less negativity will be attached to it. I think Hussein means handsome anyway.
I do think she used the middle name to project an sterotype, but who knows maybe she used it without that intention in mind. The point however is whatever his name is he has been less than honest with the American people. He ran on claims that he can not implement, so he is watering down the rhetoric of his campaign.
That is his name! If you were arrested for a crime the reporters would use your entire legal name to announce your crime and to make certain that you were correctly identified.
The point is he keeps lying and flip flopping from his campaign rhetoric that it is now laughable and totally in line with as BHO put it in his final campaign commercials....."More of the Same!"
If she did use it to project a stereotype then that's really sad. I feel sorry for her.
All politicians are dishonest. Especially W. I come to expect it from them actually.
W. bill had twice as much pork.....so forget it and no just because Barack has less pork doesn't make it right...and Sandra Rose is an Obama hater so she really doesn't count
Just because Bush started it doesn't mean President Obama should continue it...especially if he said he wouldn't.
but I could be wrong,
Denney Crane
These hippity hoppity republicans sound just like those crazy white people at the McCain/Palin ralies.
To the person "above" attacking HHR - Which is it high on life- or glue?... please share!
Crabs in a barrel.
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