Friday, May 27, 2011

Julene Allen-Dell’Amor: College Grads, No JOBs, Living at Home

  More college graduates are finding themselves moving back home because they are not finding jobs. And the jobs that they sustain are not allowing them to substantially pay off student loans. The economy is not getting better any time soon. Realistically, we do not have jobs for our college graduates. We have become an age where many jobs have been eliminated. Customer service, data entry, processing and some technical fields are either outsourced or being replaced by new software and programming. For example, yesterday, we had to pay for film and photo editing. Today we can edit video and film ourselves, without paying for the service.

Budget cuts are taking place in many fields. We just don’t need the same number of employees anymore. Employees will work twice as hard for lower wages. This isn’t about trading and outsourcing jobs alone. We simply do not have the jobs we had 30 years ago. The best scores in college, were a pathway to the top companies that provided all sorts of benefits and pension plans. Many of these companies no longer exist. These days are long gone. A decade and a half ago, computers were the market to enter. But the computer and technology age downsized many positions with new programming and technology. The wave of the future is about creating efficiency.

I want Americans to toss out the old formula of obtaining the American dream. Certainly, the old formula of socializing, marketing and retrieving information has transformed, for instance. So we can certainly think about changing the formula when it comes to living the American way of life. I want Americans to think on a larger scale, especially when they are yelling about jobs, or whether there is enough jobs or not. They are not really factoring in how we have changed overall, and how we have become a techie age, one that has shrunk its unskilled labor and even shortened its use for skilled labor.

We are not thinking about the scale of what is really going on in our employment force. Americans are finding themselves increasingly without jobs and in a position where they are unemployed or underemployed for longer periods of time. So we call on our president or our local political leaders to take action. But what are we really asking them to do?

We are in a catch-22 position. If government attempts to assist Americans during his time, it’s socialism. But if we do not, and leave it up to other people, including the rich, to become charitable, then our economy will suffer.

This is not a time for recent college grads to worry about living with parents; this is a time to embrace how they can help their parents with the skills they have obtained and figure out how to pull together with their family.

Unfortunately, recent college grads are more concerned with the image of being at home with their parents, than how to strategically move forward. As a country, we have taught our children to be individualistic and independent. But it’s time to reevaluate the family structure here in America. It’s time to extend our family in numbers and put a halt to yesterday’s American dream.

Whether it is government’s responsibility to step in or not is not the issue. Our government and financial welfare suffers if government decides to withdraw or standby. And this is what’s so interesting about the idea of socialism. Some of us have no idea what we are saying. Government assistance doesn’t end with an impoverished class of people. There are many programs Americans benefit from. There are groups that are severely biased and would rather government fund certain programs over others. These are the same groups that will declare socialism in the name of politics. We have to be careful about what we support on an individual basis, not just as members of a political party or ideal.

But we should support those ideals that are based on reality or our own reality for that matter. No political party has a cookie cut method of securing our future. We have seen this in our past and present. But we know what we want as individuals and as a family, and that should be “the” focus.I have learned that politics has caused many to feel ashamed of their “successes” and “failures”.

So whether an individual has received government assistance at one time or another, or obtained a tremendous amount of wealth, it has a way of isolating certain people, certain members of our republic. Politics will motivate many people to weigh themselves in, even when they feel they are doing something right. We will never be able to satisfy someone else’s politics, but we can stand up for what we feel is good and right.

Families MUST come together and realize what’s at stake. Families have to work together, collaborate, and build a prosperous life and future as one.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Julene Allen-Dell’Amor is a Chicago native, raised in the near west suburbs outside of Chicago. She is a registed Independent who is a successful business owner in the art and antique world. Currently, she is the Founder of “Women for Action” a forum geared towards women taking more political action. Women for Action produces visual awareness via a nonpartisan forum.

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