“The Time to Fight the Left Is Right Now“
–RNC Chairman Michael Steele
With Republican victories in New Jersey and Virginia offering new signs of hope, conservatives across the country are gearing up for historic battles in the mid-term elections of 2010. How do we turn these first two victories into a trend?
“The road forward is clear: we need to reclaim our conservative values.”
So says Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, and author of a bold new book that attacks Obama’s big-government agenda, and reaches out to town-hallers, tea partiers, independents, and anyone fed up with a federal government spiraling out of control.
In his brand new book, Right Now, Steele argues that the Left’s agenda is dramatically out of step with Main Street America and with what the Founders of this country intended. The American people don’t want socialized health care “reform,” invasive “green” initiatives and burdensome new taxes, says Steele, and Republicans in Washington have to start listening.
Steele’s new book presents a “12-step program for defeating the Obama agenda.” And Step One, says Steele, is admitting where we’ve gone wrong in the past:
“Republicans gave in to big government, and we paid the price. It wasn’t the fault of our ideals. It was the failure of our leaders to live up to them.”
Instead, we must return to the principles of the Founders, principles of small government, economic freedom, lower taxes and renewed commitment to personal responsibility for oneself and one’s family.
The Obama administration has taken advantage of recent crises to usher in unprecedented government control over peoples’ lives and the economy. It’s up to conservatives and Republicans across the country to fight back—and the time is Right Now!
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