Saturday, March 14, 2009

Devon Generally seeks Pennsylvania Senate Seat

They sit in their ivory tower [in Washington, D.C.] and when average people like me…finally speak out, then we will take our country back,”

~Devon Generally

By Richard Ivory

Devon Generally, a Republican from Pennsylvania, is running for the Senate seat now filled by Sen. Arlen Spector. Mr. Generally's reason for running against the long term serving Senator are summed up in an recent interview he gave too National Public Radio: I was angry [at Specter for supporting the recent Stimulus Package] and that is what made decide to run,” said Generally in a telephone interview. “I want to make changes in Washington, D.C.and at [at this Chicago Tea Party] there has been an indication that people are mad at Arlen Specter.”

Nevertheless, should he choose to run against Sen. Specter he will inevitably face a skilled and well financed campaign. While the State is known for electing social conservatives it has preferred Democrats in recent years. Nevertheless, below is a link with information on the candidate and where he stands on the issues.

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