Monday, February 02, 2009

Two Ships in the Night

By Leette Eaton-White

As the Obama Presidency unfolds we will find all of his flaws come to light. He may very well do things like nominate two guys for his cabinet that don’t pay their taxes, oh wait he did. He may do something crazy like take a cruel shot at the entire right and not go on Rush’s show and convince that audience we should follow his lead. Then go a give his very first presidential interview to an Arab news station instead of an American one, oh wait he already did that. He may, instead of following a strategy that kept us safe by not negotiating with terrorists, decide to negotiate with Iran without carefully considering what his own secretary of state said we should do concerning that nation… oh wait he already did that. How long has it been … not even two weeks? Oh brother!

As Obama has been flailing like a dying fish out of water since his coronation… I mean inauguration (how silly of me) in the very public and glaring spotlight of his adoring fans… I mean the mainstream media (there I go again silly me) under the radar the Republican Party is stepping up its A game. Just this passing weekend we elected Michael Steele to be the head of our party. Michael, a fiscal and social conservative, the former Lt. Governor of Maryland, and perhaps one of the currently most beloved republican leaders (especially by this site, we ain’t gonna front) is now our go to guy leading the party by the base and giving us a new spirit and vigor for 2012. His plan, do the right thing, which happens to be right wing.

Interestingly enough both Barack Obama and Michael Steele happen to be black. And interestingly enough they happen to be of completely different schools of thought. One man adheres to the Democratic Party being the party for poor people, the other embracing the his party’s values that personal responsibility should be the way to gain success. Long standing popular opinion dictates that all blacks in this nation should adhere to the first party’s way of thinking. Michael Steele defies that notion and exposes its inherent racism that judges people who look a certain way have to think and act a certain way. The Democrat solution to issues is a failing one for any group in this nation except those who are left wing ideologues . The Republican solution is a successful one if the individual wants it to be so. Therefore, like two ships in the night our captains lead us. The Democrat ship hitting the proverbial iceberg and sinking and the Republican party heading toward its paradise destination.

Leette Eaton- White is a native New Yorker and college student seeking an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor’s Degree in Forensic Psychology and has been a Republican since the age of 15.”


Anonymous said...

oh. and you forgot to mention, encouraging unions during one of our worst economic situations since Jimmy STRIKE.....

So lets recap...

Kill more babies
Make America less competitive
Go on Arab station
Encourage terrorist(Iran)
Set a bad Example with Taxes

still to come
Abandon Israel
Return east Germany to Russia
Throw Poland under the Bus

The 4 horsemen do what?

Anonymous said...

Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated in its January 26 cost estimate of H.R. 1, the House version of the bill: "CBO anticipates that implementation of H.R. 1 would have a noticeable impact on economic growth and employment in the next few years." Further, in his January 27 written testimony before the House Committee on the Budget, CBO director Douglas Elmendorf said that H.R. 1 would "provide massive fiscal stimulus that includes a combination of government spending increases and revenue reductions." Elmendorf also stated: "In CBO's judgment, H.R. 1 would provide a substantial boost to economic activity over the next several years relative to what would occur without any legislation."

Anonymous said...

According to Dems on the House Ways and Means Committee who have crunched the numbers, the GOP plan, which would reduce income taxes, would as a result shove millions over on to the Alternative Income Tax rate, which would be higher for them. Dem Ways and Means spokesperson Matthew Beck emailed this statement making the case:

In 2008, 4.2 million Americans had to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). The Republican proposal would lower marginal tax rates for individuals, but would not reduce AMT rates. Current law requires you to pay the greater of the two rates, so many of those receiving this lower marginal rate would now be held liable for the AMT.

There is no question that Congress needs to — and will — act to prevent the number of taxpayers hit by the AMT from growing to an estimated 26 million this year. However, we confirmed with the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation that 26 million people would still be forced to pay the AMT this year under the GOP bill. Essentially, their tax bill would give with one hand and take away with the other, leaving 26 million families without the tax cut they promised in their bill.

Anonymous said...

Your obvious bias should serve you will in career in Criminal Justice.

Anonymous said...


All I did was present information that differs from your opinion of what the GOP has put on the table. I did not put words into the mouth of the CBO official. I reported an analysis of the GOP plan from a Democratic source who provided a rationale for the figures.

The country is in an economic bind. People are saving when spending is what is needed to provide more jobs. People would be idiots if they went on a spending spree in the current situation, but the fact remains that as savings increase, corporate profits decrease.

Some sort of a stimulus is required. I don't trust government which didn't do oversight well or corporations headed by people who feel that they are entitled to bonuses despite their companies earnings crashing.

I am left to decide who is offering the best plan in a bad set of circumstances. I am less willing to believe the "plan" put forth by someone who says that an opposing viewpoint is bias without at least presenting any information.

Jen said...

Well, he has met all my expectations in the first two weeks! I expected him to be a horrible leader - and he was!

Anonymous said...

I guess bailing out the condom industry is part of a greater plan to save our country along with not hiring lobbyist and paying taxes is paying taxes patriotic or not paying taxes patriotic? I thought Muslims don't eat pork, I guess this proves Obama is not Muslim; the democratic package is so full of pork Democrats are bailing on it.

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell you how much I enjoy reading your work...I swear you say everything that I think with the same sarcastic undertones...thanks for making a girl on the left coast smile.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder why I come to this site...It's just as bad as Fox News...I hate bias reporting...I mean some people can take it so far...Hopefully, HHR can get some better contributors.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you mention MSNBC....

And instead of complaining maybe you should contribute

So biased Daschle just withdrew....

Anonymous said...

The appointment process which started out so smoothly for President Obama has turned into a problem.

Several picks undermine Obama's campaign promise to change how Washington works.

The troika of Bill Richardson, Tom Daschle and Timothy Geithner raises questions about Obama's commitment to making government reform central to his presidency.

The news from these appointments has been disturbing for many Americans.

Supporters were surprised the investigation into Gov. Richardson's alleged pay-for-play schemes in New Mexico was not enough to call off his nomination as secretary of commerce -- but at least in that case the nomination was withdrawn.

Anonymous said...

SBM please shut the fuck up okay... just for you I wonder why I visit this site sometimes it is just as bias as Fox news and MSNBC....are you happy now? you DF. It is not complaining I am just voicing my concerns about where this site slowly becoming. Daschle should have withdrawn, so what's your point?

Anonymous said...

FY and the bus you road in on you disrespectful G.A.B. Much happier you DB. I'm done with you

Anonymous said...

Bianca, keep in my this is NOT a news site. It is a blogging/commentary site. Journalistic integrity is not a needed element here. All of my articles are my OPINION. I don't need to make any attempts whatsoever to remove my bias. My bias is actually the point. And if you don't like the point I am making then don't read the articles. Its pretty simple. Don't get all peeved because folks don't think the way you do.