"Sell Out"- One who is compromising of one's integrity, morality and principles in exchange for money, 'success' (however defined) or other personal gain. It is commonly associated with attempts to increase mass appeal or acceptability to mainstream society. A person, who does this, as opposed to continuing along his or her original path, is labeled a sellout and typically disregarded. Selling out is often seen as fickle; gaining success at the price of lost credibility. Often times black Republicans are accused of being sell outs when in fact the true sell out are right here within our own black community. So who’s the real sell outs and why do we never call them on it its time to speak truth about the real sell outs to the race.
Recently Alfonso one of this blogs video contributors had this to say about the real sell outs.
“A black men that sells death in the form of drugs… that’s a sell out
“A black man that sells another black women on the street... that’s a sell out
“A black man that says he loves his black sisters so much yet knocks her up leaving her to raise the kid alone ...that’s a sell out.
“A rapper that parades its beautiful black sisters half naked on stage to a world audience in order to make a buck... now that’s a sell out.
Can anyone add anything else?
A man who votes for a man because he promises to keep giving him another man's money, that's a sell out.
A man who votes according to the color of a candidate's skin instead of the content of his character, that's a sell out.
A person who uses his/her own people to get elected but in face of conflict turns his back on them.
Sellouts..that's sugar coatin it.
I usually refer to them as House n*ggas..LOL.
A man who keeps his people in poverty in exchange for votes.
Now thats a sell-out.
The best way to combat the Sell out image for black Moderates/Republicans is to just place a mirror in front of the Dem. Party, in relation to the Black Community. If any black person over the age of 40 thinks that the state of the black community is better now than it was 40+ years ago, than I urge you to go along your way and keep voting for the Dem party.
If however, you feel that the state of Black people has at best been stagnant and some could plausibly argue that it has gone down in the last 40 years, then don't throw your vote away to a party that by its record has done NOTHING for black people to warrant the loyalty that blacks show the Dem party.
Seriously, I mean would anyone want to keep a coach with a 40 year losing record?? Are there any Detroit Lions fans that maybe can explain the logic of staying with what doesn't work? Lol.
A man who uses his own people and community as whipping boys and then runs back to white conservatives claiming his endless love and loyalty.
Alfonso your list is kinda of silly..
Why are you comparing street criminality and rappers with political persuasion?
This is just another cheap attempt at promoting black stereotypes and and rationalizing black conservatism.
Do black conseravtives/Republicans ever stand up for black people?
Do you ever defend the community?
Answer that.
"If any black person over the age of 40 thinks that the state of the black community is better now than it was 40+ years ago, than I urge you to go along your way and keep voting for the Dem party."
Are you actually suggesting that black Americans were better off under Jim Crow???????????
Are you crazy?
The black poverty rate in 1964 was 60%
Today it's 22%
in 1964 almost half the blacks in America were illiterate.
Today that rate is less than 20%
There are more black homeowners, businessowners, college graduates and professionals than any time in American history.
Black people are running Fortune 500 companies and Ivy league colleges.
A black man (A DEMOCRAT, are there any elected black Republicans?) is about to become President.
Hollywood, I'll ask you again.
Are you crazy?
Sigh.... chill out dude. The black people that you cite running fortune 500 companies usually have more moderate/conservative views than the more liberal wing of the Dem party that actually controls the party.
In addition, to just paint blacks as jim crow peasants and not recognize the enormous contributions to science, technology, art and music by blacks throughout the first half of the century shows that you are historically illiterate.
The first Cardiac Surgery was conducted under the watchful eye of a black man back in 1945. Blacks did amazing things in those days WITH MUCH MORE adversity than they face now. So learn some history.
When I say black communities are stagnant or declining, I am pointing to the state of the inner city black communities that have only had black Dem. mayors, councilmen and state senators for years. Those are the stagnant communities that have not risen above what they were 40 so years ago.
If you think that high teen pregnancy, the Highest AIDS rates, hundreds of thousands of black men in jail, High schools that graduate maybe 60% of their students and a litany of other problems in the black community is progress, than go on your merry way.
"The black people that you cite running fortune 500 companies usually have more moderate/conservative views than the more liberal wing of the Dem party that actually controls the party."
Aww bull$hit. You couldn't prove this if your life depended on it.
Are there serious problems in the inner city ghettoes.
Of course, you better believe it.
But the majority of African-Americans are not ghetto dwellers but working to middle class productive citizens.
The areas have been stagnant because the low skill well paying factory and industrial jobs which brought white immigrants and southern blacks to urban areas are long gone leaving the older areas with large swaths of poverty and dysfunction.
The quality of life for most African Americans is infinitely better than it was 50 years and only a blithering idiot would suggest it isn't.
You black conservatives have to obsess with negativity and dysfunction in Black America to rationalize your total disconnect from the community.
BTW Einstein, just because Madame C.J. Walker was a millionaire at the turn of the 20th century doesn't mean that any other black women were.
I am just saying, make BOTH sides earn your vote. I hope we can both agree on that on at least.
The GOP has gotten a lot of mileage out of alienating and demonizing black America.
They don't ask for black votes.
They don't campaign in black neighborhoods. They don't go black radio.
They don't try to sell black America.
This is the main reason why black conservatives are held in such contempt by most of black America.
You won't acknowledge the true dynamics of Republicans vis-a-vis black folks over the last 40 years.
You just imply that the rest of us are idiots and you 8 or 9% are the only ones who see clearly.
You're not going to get black support that way but I don't believe you really want to.
You guys like being novelties.
It is 100% better today than it was 40 years ago unless you head into the inner city where a black mans life expectancy is 45? Unless you head into the South bronx where 3 out of 4 households are headed by a single woman. Unless you go into our penal system and 50% of inmates are black. Steriotypes are not being propogated facts are being stated. The Democratic party has kept the black community enslaved by feeding us the scraps from the table.
The South Bronx is predominately latino (I'm originally from the Bronx) and only a minority of blacks live in the 'hood.
Where I live now, in Eastern Prince Georges County in Maryland, there are dozens of communities with two parent college educated professionals heading the households, six figure median household incomes, happy succeeding children and safe clean neighborhoods.
Maybe if you rightwing negroes ever spent time among black people instead of incessantly dancing and grinning for white rightwingers, you'd know some of the realities of black America.
It ain't all one way.
BTW anonymous,
There were more homicides in the US in 1977 there were in 2007.
Better off before my a$$.
Here are some facts please lets not call names.
Statistics About Black Americans -
Demographics 38.3 million
Percent of U.S. population: 13.3%
Self-identification: African-American 48%, Black 35%, both terms 17%
8.8 million families: 52% single parent (43% single women, 9% single men), 48% married. 9% of black kids live with grandparents (1940: 77% married, 18% single women, 5% single men)
Regional residence: 55% South (vs. 77% in 1940), 18% Northeast, 18% Midwest, 9% West. 52% live in cities, 36% suburbs (vs. 29% in 1994), 12% rural
Top 5 U.S. cities with black populations: New York, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelpia, Houston
Top cities with black migration inflows: Atlanta, Dallas, Charlotte, Orlando
Top cities with black migration outflows: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco
Marriage rate: 35% in 2002 (vs. 63% in 1950). 2/3 will get married sometime in their lives
Under age 18: 32%.
Ages 65+: 8%
Children born IN wedlock: 25% (vs. 80% in 1960)
Religion: 36.4% attend church weekly
67% of young black men (under age 30) have never been involved in criminal justice system. 33% have been
2.6 million veterans (7% of total black population, 2000)
Labor force participation: 62% for black women, 68% for black men
Internet usage: 61%. Percent who regularly go online for news: 25% (up from 16% in 2000)
Top 5 favorite cable channels: Black Entertainment Television, Lifetime, TNT, USA, pay-per-view
Statistics About Black Americans - Health 2001 life expectancy: Women: 75.5 years (vs. 65.9 in 1960). Men: 68.6 years (vs. 60.7 in 1960)
86% have health insurance
Infant mortality rate: 14.3 per 1,000 people
Number one killer: cardiovascular disease. Accounts for 33.5% of male deaths, 40.6% of female deaths (2000)
Top 10 killers: cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, unintentional injuries, diabetes, homicide, HIV/AIDS, chronic lower respiratory disease, nephritis (kidney disease), septicemia (blood poisoning)
Overweight percentage (adults): Men 60.7%, women 77.3%
Percentage with no regular physical activity (adults): Men 44.1%, women 55.2%
USA share of abortions: 30%
Alcoholism rate: 3.57% in 2002 (down from 3.84 in 1992)
Alcohol abuse rate: 3.29% in 2002 (up from 1.46% in 1992)
HIV/AIDS rate: 2%. AIDS is leading cause of death for ages 25-44. USA share of new cases: 49% for males, 72% for females
USA's top health problem: 41% say AIDS, 41% cancer, 14% heart disease, 8% uninsured people, 7% diabetes
World's top health problem: 49% say AIDS, 41% cancer, 14% heart disease, 8% health costs, 3% diabetes
Sources: National Institutes of Health, 2000 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, 2003 BAMPAC poll, American Lung Association, American Heart Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
74% live above the poverty line (vs. 10% in 1940 and 45% in 1960)
All-time high above poverty: 79% in 2001
5% rich, 44% middle class, 27% working class, 24% poor (2004)
Overall median household income: $$37,000 (2000)
Median income for married households: $48,000 (2002)
Top 5 states with highest median black household income: New Hampshire $43,574, Alaska $42,887, Maryland $41,652, Hawaii $41,032, New Jersey $38,513
Married households: 50% earn $50,000+. 27% earn $75,000+
Overall households: 33% earn $50,000+. 16% earn $75,000+
Median black adult male income (2000): $30,409
Median black adult female income (2000): $25,117
Poverty rate by family composition: married-couple families 8%, single-dad families 19%, single-mom families 35%
70% of children overall are not poor, 30% are poor
Percentage of poor children who live in single-mom households: 85%
Poverty rate for ages 65+: 78% not poor, 22% poor. Women 26%, men 16%
Combined GDP: $845 billion per year (2007, would be world's 18th largest economy)
Per capita GDP: $22,062.67 (akin to Czech Republic, Kuwait, Slovenia, and Greece)
Top 5 expenditures: housing $131.7 billion, food $52.7bn, vehicles $47.9 bn, clothing $22.9 bn, health care $16.7 bn
Median individual net worth: $16,000
Mean black families' net worth (2001): $75,700 (vs. $59,400 in 1992)
Black financial assets: $1.4 trillion. 42% in home, 33% in financials (stocks, bonds, etc.)
91% are employed (December 2007). All-time high since slavery's end: 92.8% (April 2000)
24% employed by the government
5% own businesses. 1 million black-owned businesses
Top 5 states with largest # of black businesses: New York, California, Texas, Florida, Georgia
Black women: 36% technical/sales/administrative support, 27% service, 25% professional/manager (vs. 4% in 1960)
Black men: 28% operator/fabricator/laborer, 19% professional/manager (vs. 4% in 1960), 19% technical/sales/administrative support, 19% service
Home ownership: 50.8% (vs. 35% in 1950)
Number of billionaires: 2 (Robert Johnson, BET founder; Oprah Winfrey, Harpo Productions)
Sources: 2007 University of Georgia Selig Center study, U.S. Census Bureau, National Black Chamber of Commerce, Target Market News, 2004 NUL "State of Black America" Report
79% are high school graduates (vs. 14% in 1950)
17% are college graduates (vs. 2% in 1950). Women: 18%. Men: 16%
Top 5 states with largest % of black college grads: Vermont 35%, Montana 33%, New Hampshire 28%, Maine 23%, Idaho 22%
3% have post-college degrees
95% of black children ages 5 and 6 are enrolled in school (vs. 69% in 1954)
School vouchers: 57% support, 43% oppose
Best way for more black kids to receive a good education: 44% say change district boundaries, 40% more government money, 10% vouchers, 6% combo or other answer
81% believe too little money is spent on schools
School prayer: 79% support, 20% oppose, 1% don't know
Has educational equality happened since 1964: 77% say yes
Quality of their kid's school: 37% fair, 35% excellent or good, 25% poor
Are black kids' school options = to white kids: 68% say no, 31%yes
Single-gender public schools: 26% support
What would best help more blacks go to college: 65% say better college preparation, 25% more financial aid, 4% more spaces for black students
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 JCPES survey
Do those stats prove Hollywood's assertion that black people were better off 40 years ago or mine?
Single parenthood is drastically up cross racially since the 60s.
Crisis level among blacks no argument there.
Most blacks in the criminal justice system over the last 30 have been tagged with non-violent drug related offenses. The same crimes whites get treatment and probation for.
But back to the "sellout" issue.
The problem with black Republicans is the way they talk to and about their own people.
I have been a sales professional for 20 years and first rule of thumb is NEVER insult your prospect.
Black conservatives cannot possibly believe that they can rally a preponderance of black Americans by constantly ranting about how stupid and screwed up we are.
It's exactly why most black Americans believe black Republicans are self-haters and sellouts.
The race dynamics in this country never cease to amaze me.
Bill Cosby scolds black America and becomes a media hero.
Phil Gramm says America has become a nation of whiners and he gets fired from McCain's campain the very next day.
Excellent point uptownsteve. As long as hollywood represents the face of the GOP appeal to the African-American community, the low percentage of converts to the GOP will continue.
Black Republicans say that Black Democrats are "on the plantation". Yet we have a GOP that promotes Rush Limbaugh who feels no pressure from Black Republicans for playig a song calling a Presidential candidate "Barack the Magic Negro". Black Republicans can find microphones to chastize Jesse and Al, rush gets apass. Pathetic.
While Black Republicans remember the GOP of old that supported Civil Rights, current voters know the GOP of Goldwater's State's Rights and Nixon's Southern Strategy.
Black Republicans are trying to serve up the GOP as a delicious steak dinner (Civil rights stalwarts). They want people to ignore that the steak is served on top of a rancid garbage pail (GOP appeals to ethnocentric Whites).
The longer Black Republicans spew this nonsensical message, the longer they will feel disconnected from the majority of Black voters.
Every slave had a job before the civil war, that does not make trading freedom for slavery a good idea.
Heck, Walter Williams went so far as to write an adoring blurb for a book by notorious white supremacist Jared Taylor.
Calling Taylor a "courageous individual".
Williams can't possibly expect black folks to listen to anything he has to say.
But then again, black folks aren't the ones paying him.
I should also add that if McCain loss this election, there will be internal soul searching within the GOP to identify how and where it's guideposts were lost.
From what I see of Black Republicans, there will be no one forcefully standing up to the GP telling the hierarchy that it's message to he Black community has to change.
Trying to persuade African-Americans to listen to any message coming from the GOP will be difficult. The community remembers how rapidly the Outreach Program to the Black community dried up in Ohio and other locales once GW was back in office. If no one can confront the hypocrisy of the GOP's approach to African-Americans,don't preach to Black Democrats about their docile nature.
Clean your own house fist.
UPTOWNSTEVE, I grew up on 169th and the Concourse. MY catholic school was 50% black, my neighboorhood was 50% black my catholic HS was 40% BLACK, but i guess in a world where Dominicans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans consider themselves white or at least not black then you are right. I ask you to think about racism, think about how many Rebulicans we ran into in the South Bronx and how many times Ni**er was your first name. Racism is not the sole domain of the GOP. The democratic party takes our community for granted and I for one am tired of the handouts and the lack of personnal responsibility. The murder rate in 1977 might be different that in 2008 but I know that ~85% of the violence in the black community is black on black. Lets blame the Republicans for that, what about the shitty schools? go to the white Democratic districts in New York and you'll be hard pressed to find private schools. Why? because the public schools are that good in those areas. I guess that's not rascism either. Blame the Republican for that one. SBM
Bottoms up economics doesn't work, Just ask Jimmy Carter. Obama successfully stole the mantel of tax cuts from McCain and will win with that strategy but be carefull socialist like Obama will not deliver. It will start with 250K and work its way down to 50K mark my words. No one will be better off and the sad thing is I Blame George W Bush
"The democratic party takes our community for granted and I for one am tired of the handouts and the lack of personnal responsibility."
What the hell are you talking about?
Do you even know?
"The murder rate in 1977 might be different that in 2008 but I know that ~85% of the violence in the black community is black on black."
And 85% of the murders in the hispanic community is hispanic on hispanic. And 85% of the murder in the white community is white on white.
Again what is your point?
I grew up 5 minutes from you at
166th and Anderson Ave. I went to Sacred Heart Grammar School and DeWitt Clinton High School.
I didn't know any negroes like you though. Thank God.
"Go to the white Democratic districts in New York and you'll be hard pressed to find private schools. Why? because the public schools are that good in those areas. I guess that's not rascism either. Blame the Republican for that one. SBM."
Oh you mean the suburbs?
Of course the schools are better.
Much higher tax base. With college educated parents.
Sounds a lot like my neighborhood.
Only we're BLACK and middle class.
Ever heard of us?
"Bottoms up economics doesn't work"
And trickle down DOES?
You can't be serious.
Bush has deregulated the finance industry and cut taxes for the rich and look what happened.
And implosion of the American economy.
"I ask you to think about racism, think about how many Rebulicans we ran into in the South Bronx and how many times Ni**er was your first name."
This is it in a nutshell.
You black conservatives just hate being black and you hate black people.
Uptown: I see you are still doing great things on the internet..For my money you are the best Black blogger on the internet by far and for so long!!
Mellodrama aka Orinocle aka Thrasher
Greg Thrasher c/o Plane Ideas
Ahhh…not "UPTOWNSTEVE", I see the fuck-up fairy has visited us again…
I'll take credit for being the anonymous poster who is in support of uptownsteve. The other anonymous is running the typical GOP diversion tactic that is failing miserably.
I give the GOP as much attention as the GOP gives to me. None.
Placing a woman with an unmarried pregnant teen daughter in the VP slot sends a negative message to African-American teens. It lends credibility to promiscuity.
Having an elected President or a Vice Presidential candidate with poor verbal skills does not promote educational values to African-American youth. GW Bush and Sarah Palin benefit from White Conservative Affirmative Action. Obama would be ridiculed if his speech pattern was as poor as Bush or Palin.
Bringing down a cone of silence on the outing of a CIA agent, Valerie Plame, by Bush administration officials is no different than the "Don't Snitch" motto used by urban gangs.
The cuurerent and proposed GOP administrations send messages to Black youth that teen sex is OK, learning to speak properly is unnecessary for success, and that covering up for friends who have committed crimes is honorable.
I won't vote GOP because the GOP only bolsters the negative behavior that has been used to stereotype African-American youth.
Want to find the "gansta" lifestyle code? Look at GW and Sarah Palin.
Whassup Orinocle!
Been awhile bruh.
Still slayin' righties I see.
Right now I am more focused on living and enhancing my personal orbit.
I did stumple on this site and was pleased to see my essay on how Black Conservatives failed our community was published..I was happy to see that there is a level of courage here that I admire and champion..
For me it is all about the life, the essence, the person, the truth, the reality..
I will admit I have almost evolved pass the notions of political id and now I am into the state of mind where MLK, X,Mandlea and others of our cultural dna progressed and evolved to..
I want to be as conscious being from here to there..
I will hit u up with an email
Greg Thrasher
c/o planeidea@msn.com
make that vaughnfair@aol.com
What the hell are you talking about?
Do you even know?
The free cheese I hate so much, the check that helped my aunt feed her kids but allowed my uncle the ability not to take responsibility, the free needles, the free condoms, the free abortions, the rent controlled apartments meant for the poor but used by corrupt politicians, for everything that was not paid for then but are paying for now.
"I ask you to think about racism, think about how many Republicans we ran into in the South Bronx and how many times Ni**er was your first name."
This is it in a nutshell.
You black conservatives just hate being black and you hate black people.
Maybe I’m a not black Dominican, Puerto Rican or Cuban, No educated response so you revert to the same old Uncle Tom routine. Circular reasoning might work with your limousine, uptown I'm sorry my family owned slaves liberals but it doesn't work with me.
And trickle down DOES?
You can't be serious.
As a heart attack,
Look at the unprecedented growth since Ronald Reagan pulled us out of the nightmare that was Jimmy Carter. If it wasn’t for the Reagan years (that hurt the black community so much) and the largest economic expansion in history that followed (deny that), All the well paying jobs you are your middle class Liberals enjoy would not exist . Trickle up economics doesn't create jobs it creates a welfare state, trickle up economics does work,
Look at history the Soviets, the Cubans, the French, just ask Hugo Chaves and look at the money he's pumped into to Venezuelan Ghetto's and they still have food shortages, trickle up is code for Socialism
Bush has deregulated the finance industry and cut taxes for the rich and look what happened.
And implosion of the American economy
Deregulation works, but when non market forces pull on its fabric what has happened over the last 2 months happens.
(Political interest, make believe corporations (Fannie Freddie), corrupt politicians, ect)
Last time I looked the economy of the world has Imploded but we don’t blame the speculators that ran oil up to $150 a barrel or the Democrats in congress that pushed for high risk loans, There’s plenty of blame to go around and I Blame Bush for almost everything but for the last 22 months the Democrats have been in charge of Congress and they did what? Fell asleep, where intimidated, didn’t care didn’t know what to do, didn’t see it coming fell asleep at the switch pick one. Republican proposed tightening up Freddie and Fannie and are guilty of not pursuing it but the Barney Franks of this world said Buy Buy Buy 2 month before the bottom dropped out
"The free cheese I hate so much, the check that helped my aunt feed her kids but allowed my uncle the ability not to take responsibility, the free needles, the free condoms, the free abortions, the rent controlled apartments meant for the poor but used by corrupt politicians, for everything that was not paid for then but are paying for now."
So maybe you and your family members need to get off your butts and go get jobs.
As for me and my family, we didn't spend ONE DAY on the dole.
My grandparents came to NYC in the late 30s from SC, like many Southern blacks, looking for jobs in the factories or on the docks.
My grandmother was a WELDER at the Brooklyn Navy Yard during WWII.
My grandfather VOLUNTEERED for combat in WWII thinking that if black men showed their bravery for America in war, they would be treated better at home.
After the war my grandma went to Harlem nursing school and became an LPN in the NYC public school system.
My grandpa was one of the first blacks hired by the NYCTA as Bus drivers.
When he drove the Number 2 bus during the 50s, the racists in Bedford Park would through rocks at the bus.
They bought a duplex in the Highbridge section of the Bronx along with many other black working class folks and raised two daughters.
My mom became an Registered Nurse and worked at various NYC public Hospitals for 30 years.
My dad was career Navy and worked as a correction officer in NJ after he retired.
Both my sister and I are college grads and professional.
Most of the blacks I know in my age group have a similar experience.
The blacks you speak about are from rightwing horror stories.
"The free cheese I hate so much, the check that helped my aunt feed her kids but allowed my uncle the ability not to take responsibility, the free needles, the free condoms, the free abortions, the rent controlled apartments meant for the poor but used by corrupt politicians, for everything that was not paid for then but are paying for now."
So maybe you and your family members need to get off your butts and go get jobs.
As for me and my family, we didn't spend ONE DAY on the dole.
My grandparents came to NYC in the late 30s from SC, like many Southern blacks, looking for jobs in the factories or on the docks.
My grandmother was a WELDER at the Brooklyn Navy Yard during WWII.
My grandfather VOLUNTEERED for combat in WWII thinking that if black men showed their bravery for America in war, they would be treated better at home.
After the war my grandma went to Harlem nursing school and became an LPN in the NYC public school system.
My grandpa was one of the first blacks hired by the NYCTA as Bus drivers.
When he drove the Number 2 bus during the 50s, the racists in Bedford Park would through rocks at the bus.
They bought a duplex in the Highbridge section of the Bronx along with many other black working class folks and raised two daughters.
My mom became an Registered Nurse and worked at various NYC public Hospitals for 30 years.
My dad was career Navy and worked as a correction officer in NJ after he retired.
Both my sister and I are college grads and professional.
Most of the blacks I know in my age group have a similar experience.
The blacks you speak about are from rightwing horror stories.
"Want to find the "gansta" lifestyle code? Look at GW and Sarah Palin."
HILARIOUS... and so true...lol.
If folks hate the Democratic Party so much...and hate the Republican Party so much... why not be an independent?
I think all of us need to be self-reflective and self-aware. The GOP has done positive things (even recently) for black folks, and yeah sometimes the Democrats kick us when we're done. Unfortunately, the many of the leaders in the GOP have been willing to turn a blind eye to all kinds of insane crap because they've "run the numbers" and pandering to one group is more important than pandering to black folks.
Yeah, there are people who don't do that and who show an interest in black people and issues of black concern. You actually see that kind of stuff play out on a state level, where GOP-Black support is much higher. But when it comes to a national level... black folks stay getting thrown under the bus. This year is a perfect example - McCain, I think, used to be viewed pretty positively by black people. He's moderate and he's definitely shown in interviews and appearances that he seemed to be interested in us.
We saw some of that in the primary season... I know I was pretty divided between McCain, Obama, and Hillary (in that order). Post-primaries... McCain went nuts and lost me. I can't tell you how many times I've been offended. And I won't speak about Palin because she just pushed me further away (pro-America? huh?).
I'm hoping that the GOP cleans house and moves to a moderate position... and actually backs it up. We'll see, but who knows. A bunch of conservative Republicans are meeting a week after the election to talk about making Palin the "new face of the GOP." If that's true, count me out.
My family's story mimics yours, except that my mother, who was an LPN during Korea, became a stay at home mom. I first learned that government cheese existed from classmates in high school. It was a foreign concept to me.
It appears that Black Republicans blame government for a variety of ills. We have seen what happens when people who don't care for government are put in charge of government. Good job, Brownie. Glub, glub.
Businesses exist to make profit. If business A can cut corners and make profit because of lack of government oversight, company B will follow suit to remain competitive. Businesses do not have consciences. Oversight is a protective measure.
If you want to see the effects of lack of government oversight on business practice look at the toxic products coming out of China. Ask the parents of the Chinese infants who developed renal failure because of melamine if some oversifgght would have been a good thing.
If Flava Flav represents the role model for Black youth,then Tony Soprano is the role model for today's bankers, loan officers and, Wall Street wizards. Business needs government oversight.
When he drove the Number 2 bus during the 50s, the racists in Bedford Park would through rocks at the bus. (Mostly what ?)
These folk I quess were from the Republican stonghold of Bedford Park.
Again I ask, how many Republicans called you a ni**er compared to Democrats in a Borough 90 % democart? Sound like to me you fall into the my values are conservative but I was born a democart mentality. As for on the dole maybe you fall into the Jesse Jackson charaterization of Senator Obama. SBM
by the same token lets talk about Democratic agenda, lets make abortion legal until the kids turn 18, lets make marriage legal between anyone who wants to get married including polygamy. Lets keep throwing moneny into a failed education system run by unions for unions. Kick the communist, socialist loons out and maybe I'll vote democrat again. As for 2008 I already voted for McCain
If you want to see the effects of lack of government oversight on business practice look at the toxic products coming out of China
You must be kidding, China is text book of what will happen when the gov't controls everything and in reality controls nothing.
Business is run by people for people. The evil Exxon Mobile employees several million people in the United States, pays for several million peoples pensions, pays several billion dollars n taxes. Pays for more insurance than Obama's health insurance myth will ever come close to but they are evil.
Companies collect taxes, companies are run by people, and are owned by people. get a grip. If you have a 401K (101K now) you probably own XOM. lets do this lets put Barney Frank in Charge of regulation and see what happens. SBM
Oh and placing as president of the United States a person who snorted cocaine and was the product of an unmarried teen pregnancy is sending what type of message...COME AGAIN??
What the fuck are you talking about? "Not having an elected President or a Vice Presidential candidate with poor verbal skills does not promote educational values to African-American youth...come again from the party that promotes ebonics and tran Jessie Jackson and AL Sharpton as there first black presidential candidates ...get the fuck out a here...come again!
What "Bringing down a cone of silence on the outing of a CIA agent, Valerie Plame, by Bush administration officials is no different than the "Don't Snitch" motto used by urban gangs?? First "this snitch" inlike Democrat Ron Brown did not get "stiches". And first the so called rat was not a Bush fan he was beloved media insider...come again!
What the hell are you talking about?...no what the fuck are you talking about..how about $9 Trillion dollatrs worth over welfare prgrams??? How about that handout? UPTOWNSTEVE how many people in urban american get these handouts..stop playing silly games bro!
Yeah like black hyou go to Bush to get morality lesson its more like the go to BET and VIBE.
So we will elect a new president who Snorted Cocaine but didn't do smack i missed that one....
Forget about the Communist he hangs with and the felons that raise money for him, I want to know about how much blow he does...
"The blacks you speak about are from rightwing horror stories."
If it is horror stories the plot keeps taking place in Democrats districts and cities...more like a fucked up Democrat system, of lets keep the "po mo po" so we can win elections blaming it on Republicans something that UPTOWN STEVE does perfectly.
Steve what you and your elk like Sharpton and Rangel live on middle to upper incomes yet while accusing Republicans and creating environments just the opposite of how you live. The problem is an old one personal accountability not some Republican on a farm miles away but Dwayne on the street corner who sits on the stairs all day while making more more money than I or you and that farmer.
A sellout is a person who cannot tell the difference between "who's" and "whose".
God bless the state of our public schools.
A sellout is a person that repeats what they hear on the corner but doesn't know there history. In Response to the ignorant tattooed up, gang banging, no education having, laying on the couch brother this one if 4 U. The house nigga was forced to vote democrat because the master was a democrat, and by the way the KKK was the militant arm of the democratic party just for your ignorant ass. Militant arm means the crackers with the ropes and guns. SBM
"how about $9 Trillion dollatrs worth over welfare prgrams??? How about that handout? UPTOWNSTEVE how many people in urban american get these handouts."
Welfare as we know it was ended over ten years ago.
You black righties have to get another talking point.
Republicanism makes negroes crazy.
Again, we get a history lesson about the prior state of the Democratic Party. Goldwater preached States Rights and the Southern Strategy was carried out by the GOP. But I guess more recent
GOP history is uncomfortable.
Fannie Lou Hamer and the Mississippi Freedom Party took action against the Democratic Party. Black Republicans hide from racist comments made by Limbaugh and others. The Black GOP will never speak truth to power to the GOP. The only time we will hear criticism from Black Republicans is when they attack the Black community. GW and McCain are untouchable.
Black Republicans are actively campaigning against the tax relief for the middle class proposed by Barack Obama. Amazing. Letting Black middle class workers keep more of their own money is "Socialist". The GOP wonders why their message doesn't sell. The GOP wants to take money from the middle class.
Again it is in response to the uneducated ranting of the Uncle Tom rhetoric.
When uptown Steve’s father was in the military who desegregated the military? a Republican president!
When Jesse Jackson called Obama a nigger who called him out on it?
Obama’s tax relief for the middle class.
Ok what flavor you drinking, it’s income redistribution in hiding the welfare from 10 years ago with a new name, and its a plan that will increase taxes on top 5% earners but in reality increase taxes on 35% of tax payers. Wait until it creeps down to 150k then 100k then 50k
Do the Math.
5% make more than 250K
40% of filers pay no taxes
That means what?
5% of tax filers pay at least 35% of all taxes so Obama lies again he is raising taxes on 35% of tax payers and giving welfare to 40% who gets it in the ass the middle class. Let me explain to you how. When jobs dry up, when wages go down.
I guess you folks have run out of garbage to repeat and are returning to insults. Answer my question. How many Republican in the BRONX ever called you a ni**er? SBM
"and by the way the KKK was the militant arm of the democratic party just for your ignorant ass."
Maybe 100 years ago but today the KKKers and white supremacists types are conservative Republicans.
Stop trying to insult our intelligence.
If the Dems are so racist why is a black democrat about to be elected President???
How are black Democrats governing the states of Massachusetts and NY.
Take your head out of your ass.
You think the rest of us are stupid and you're the only one who has a clue?
Why can't a black Republican get elected double secret probation officer?
J.C. Watts quit elective politics specifically because every time he'd go to Republican affairs, somebody was handing him their keys and telling him to park the car.
I started coming to these black Republican blogs a couple of years ago because I felt that it was very dangerous for black Americans to place 90% of our votes in one political basket.
I wanted to hear what the black conservatives had to say.
But, I swear, every one of you negroes, from Cobb to Republican Brother to Booker Rising to LaShawn Barber comes off exactly the same.
Self haters and hustlers.
a sell out is a news paper that will not let it readers make up there own minds about a recording of Obama kissing up to Bill Ayers and talking shit about Jews, maybe it shows him sniffing a little coke on a picture of Karl Marx ,
What neighborhood does Obama live in?
"How many Republican in the BRONX ever called you a ni**er."
You're not real bright, are ya?
How do you think Giuliani got elected?
When I was growing in the Bronx during the 70s neighborhoods like Bedford Park and Mt Carmel were full of angry racist white ethnics who became "Reagan Democrats".
You do remember how Reagan got them right?
But using the same demagogic language that you do about "welfare queens", "handouts", and "crime" as if that's all black Americans are about.
While I understand exactly why white conservatives talk like this, I can't for the life of me figure out why a black person would.
"When uptown Steve’s father was in the military who desegregated the military? a Republican president!"
Harry S. Truman, A DEMOCRAT, desegregated the military.
anonymous (if that's your real name), the middle class has been waiting for the money to trickle down. The rain never fell. The middle class wages have remained stagnant despite US workers being the most productive in the world.
Any progressive tax system effects higher earners more than low wage earners. A flat tax has the same "disproportionate" effect, you would pay more for tax for buying a Rolls than a Chevy in a flat tax system.
In the Obama plan, people creating US jobs would get tax breaks for creating jobs and other breaks on a health care plan. People shuffling other people's money without actually making a product or creating a job, may actually have work a little harder. Productive people would flourish if they created US based jobs.
The middle class is shrinking. Middle class children are projected to fare worse than their parents. The redistribution of wealth to the top 5% while the rest wait for their "Check in the mail" is a formula for disaster.
The doctors, engineers, teachers,etc who will make the country competitive will come from the unwashed masses of the 95%. Destroying the middle class will make us a third world country with the very rich and the very poor without a middle class.
When GW, Frist, Hastert, et al were in charge of the country, we saw what happened when GOP fiscal policy went full bore.
Regarding military desegregation here's data from the Harry S Truman Library website
President Truman had been examining the issue of segregation in the armed forces since at least 1947, when he appointed the President's Committee on Civil Rights. By January 1948, internal White House memos indicated that the President was determined to end military segregation by executive order. However, it was not until the delegates at the 1948 Democratic National Convention called for a liberal civil rights plank that included desegregation of the armed forces that Truman felt comfortable enough to issue Executive Order No. 9981 on July 26. The order stated that "It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin." The order also established the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and opportunity in the Armed Services (Fahy Committee).
Naturally, there was resistance to this order within the military. Staff officers from all branches protested anonymously and sometimes even openly to integration. The Fahy Committee worked with the different branches of the military to ensure that the armed forces instituted integration in their recruitment and unit composition practices. Full integration did not come until the Korean War however, when heavy casualties forced segregated units to merge for survival.
Since the GOP is so proud of it's racial history, ca any Black republican tell me about the Black & Tans?
You're hitting on all cylinders.
The GOP had total control for 6 of the last 8 years and produced a total disaster.
Conservativism has been an abject failure.
And now you have some of these negroes chiding US for not asking for MORE?
Ok Reagan Democrats in the 70's. That must be like FDR spoke on TV in 1929 when Wall Street collapsed. (JOE BIDEN)
FDR wasn’t the President and TV’s where invented
But why do you still pretend that racism is the sole domain of the Republican Party? You pretend Condoleezza Rice and Collin Powell don’t exist.
I guess they’re token right?
All those areas where Italian and Jewish Democrats calling you a N*g*er. Reagan democrats came in 1980 when Mr. Carter raped American with the same shit Obama is talking about.
Mayor Juliana got elected because Mayor Dinkins was an absolute disaster (no experience Democrat)and everyone was fed up with the crime and drugs.
Don’t you remember the number joints on every corner and the drug spots everywhere else? Or you lived in the rich part of the Bronx, over there by Van Courtland part
My Mistake, even though Truman issued the executive order thank God Eisenhower implemented the integration of the U.S. military forces and achieved Congressional passage of the first civil rights legislation in the 82 years following Reconstruction. A little more history for ya,
So let me translate, he ordered it because he knew the democratically controlled congress would never pass legislation and it took a Republican to implements it. I guess he didn't have any support
Total control for the first 6 years and then Democrats take over and all hell breaks loose. If they fu*^ed us up this bad in 2 years what can we expect in the next 6?
"You pretend Condoleezza Rice and Collin Powell don’t exist."
Powell quit the Republican Party because he felt he was used and Rice is a cold-blooded mercenary.
"Mayor Juliana got elected because Mayor Dinkins was an absolute disaster."
A white mayor with Dinkins accomplishments would have been reelected easily (crime was actually on a drastic downswing during Dinkins last year in office 1992).
Dinkins lost because of the Crown Hts riots which Giuliani demagogued into a "The Niggers are Taking Over" scenario which frightened many white NYers (even liberals) and swept Il Duce into office.
Mayor Dinkins was a real success
Dinkins became mayor with a $1.8 billion budget deficit when he entered office. He attempted to balance the budget and raised taxes. High oil prices due to the Gulf War and an overall downturn in the economy did not help the economic health of the city. 300,000 private sector jobs were further lost during Dinkins's administration, eroding the city’s tax base. His handling of the city's finances was criticized as being too beholden to the unions and other pressure groups that were vital to his election.[citation needed] Investment was at an all time low.
His integrity came under fire, as well as his efficacy. In response to his failure to file (or pay) income taxes for 5 years earlier in his career, Salon magazine later reported, Dinkins reasoned, "I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law."
In 1991, New York was unable to pay city employees. The Dinkins administration proposed unprecedented cuts in public services, $1 billion in tax increases and the elimination of 27,000 jobs. He cut education by $579 million, marked 10 homeless shelters for closing which was opposed by the city council.
Koch left Dinkins with a $1.8 billion deficit which Dinkins turned into a 200 million surplus by 1992.
Crime started declining during Dinkins tenure after a 30 years upward spiral.
Total control for the first 6 years and then Democrats take over and all hell breaks loose. If they fu*^ed us up this bad in 2 years what can we expect in the next 6?
The voters are selecting more Democrats for the House and Senate in 2008 than they did in 2006 because the GOP is viewed so favorably? Who do you think the voters blame for the condition of the country? Hint: Guess which party is in the White House.
I'm starting to think that "anonymous" is James T. Harris of "PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU MASSA MCCAIN" fame.
Uptownsteve - I am starting to think your really "Weezie" from "GOODTIMES"
anonymous thinks that the debt we built up with the Chinese in the 6 years of GOP control was a good thing.
Bin-Laden's goal was not to destroy the US military, but to goad it into fighting a Middle East war that would destroy the US financially. the GOP fell into the trap.
The GOP cast those who disagreed with the war as traitors. The old GOP name-calling playbook now only works with the base. Calling Obama a Muslim, radical Christian, Socialist, Marxist, terrorist who was sworn in on the Koran only works with low information voters.
Palin is more the face of the core GOP voter than McCain. She does not understand that fruit flies are a basic tool in genetic research. Her speech pattern is atrocious. But she sure looks "hot" in those clothes.
Rich Lowry of National Review Online wrote about his erection when Palin winked during the debates. Kathleen Parker wrote about her husband's and an older Conservative male's attraction to Palin.
I really hope that no Black Republican male gets hurt because they got caught staring at Palin's form.
"I am starting to think your really "Weezie" from "GOODTIMES""
Weezie was on the "Jeffersons" Einstein.
You're so busy grinning for white rightwingers you can't even get black folks straight.
Although I agree that Black Republicans should be the last people we call sell outs compared to the misogynistic and materialistic issues of hip hop, I am still curious to know what compels a black person to vote Republican, other than for personal financial gains. Feel free to respond.
"Although I agree that Black Republicans should be the last people we call sell outs compared to the misogynistic and materialistic issues of hip hop."
What then do you think of a "Hiphop Republican"????
Here in the 'D' we lost 3 more teens to gun violence I doubt if they were democrats or republicans...
I am tired of war here, there, everywhere..
Enough already..'Making a Difference 'is my mantra..
Thrasher c/o PLANE IDEAS
“If the Dems are so racist why is a black democrat about to be elected President???”
I love this one! Democrats are very capable of being racist. They put Barack Obama on their presidential ticket- so what????? George W. Bush had the most racially diverse cabinet in the history of presidents- more diverse than the so called “first black president” Bill Clinton- yet you still think Republicans are more racist.
Some liberals use their liberalism as a mask for their racism. There are plenty of modern day examples of racism among liberals and democrats. To name a few:
-Rev. Jesse “Hymies in Hymietown” Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton are both known for making anti-Semitic remarks.
-Liberals depicted Rep. Michael Steele (R-VA) as a Sambo
-Robert Byrd former Grand Dragon of the KKK is STILL a democratic senator (D, WVA) and Chris Dodd (D, CT) in 2007 described him as a great leader for any time.
-Liberal publication the New Yorker described Michelle Obama as being “too black” and thus a detriment to Barack Obama’s campaign.
-Joe Biden even once described Obama the following way “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” What does that say about every other African American?
Suppose the candiate for President was a black Republican? Would black Democrats support him and still peddle the lie that the Republican Party is raicst?
Excellent question anonymous @7:41.
anonymous @7:41, I admit that is a great question but you have already answered it by surreptitiously suggesting that black democrats are voting solely based on race. Unfortunately, you underestimate the intellectual courage of the black voter.
Let's make some differentiation here, and separate GOP policy with GOP racial ham-handedness. The GOP policies result in transfer of wealth from the middle class to the upper income levels of society. US workers are the most productive in the world. Despite their work ethic, middle class wages have been stagnant in terms of buying power.
In the upper tier, we see golden parachutes given to business leaders who lose money for their companies, ship jobs overseas, and cut jobs in the US. Productive workers foiled by lazy business leaders (See Ford , GM, and Chrysler). Should the middle class get some tax relief? You betcha'.
Black workers in particular don't believe that the GOP's tax policies work in their long term interest. They atre tired of hearing middle class tax relief described as Socialism by McCain/Palin or a welfare check by Jack Kemp.
Regarding perceptions of racism in the GOP, I have mentioned "The Magic Negro" before. There is also the Goldwater and Atwater legacies.
When Sarah Palin comes on the scene with her Eurobonic speech pattern, many African-Americans see a double standard. No African-American with Palin's sentence destruction would be placed on the ticket as a VP candidate. For those who mentioned Sharpton when I talked about Palin's speech before, please remember that Sharpton could not get the majority of the Black vote in his own NYC. Sharpton was not on the Democratic party ticket, neither was Jesse Jackson.
The GOP suffers because Black workers see trickle down as pie in the sky, bye and bye. Blacks classify Palin in with Conservatives like Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson, who are notable for a lack of intellect.
Finally, let me emphasize a point that uptownsteve made. If the GOP wants to begin the process of appealing to the African-American community, they need to be a little more humble.
Calling Sharpton, Jackson, etc idiots does not explain why Blacks should turn to the GOP. GOP history lessons will not be effective because the image problem that the GOP has is the image it has today.
Uptownsteve ridicules and calls the Republicans racist but he still hasn't answered my question, how many Republicans called him a ni**er in the Bronx when he was growing up? and "are you fucking kidding" is not considered and intelligent answer
Koch left Dinkins with a $1.8 billion deficit which Dinkins turned into a 200 million surplus by 1992.
After cutting programs and firing more city employees than anyone in NYC history, oh and Koch was that other loser Democrat that ran NYC into the ground
Crime started declining during Dinkins tenure after a 30 years upward spiral.
It had to, mandatory sentencing for crack and cocaine possession and distribution started to take effect over the objections of the ultra left wing liberals. Sounds like the shit Obama is selling doesn’t it
"George W. Bush had the most racially diverse cabinet in the history of presidents- more diverse than the so called “first black president” Bill Clinton- yet you still think Republicans are more racist."
Clinton had Alexis Herman, Jesse Brown, Rodney Slater, Ron Brown, Mike Espy, Lee Brown, Hazel O'Leary, Federico Pena and Jocelyn Elder in his Cabinet.
More blacks at sub-Cabinet and executive levels in government than any other US President in history.
"Suppose the candiate for President was a black Republican? Would black Democrats support him and still peddle the lie that the Republican Party is raicst?"
Well.....in order for this scenario to be conceiveable, we'd have to see a black Republican get elected railroad commisioner.
If Republicans by and large AREN'T racist, why aren't there any significant black Republican officeholders?
The GOP policies result in transfer of wealth from the middle class to the upper income levels of society. US workers are the most productive in the world. Despite their work ethic, middle class wages have been stagnant in terms of buying power.
In the words of UPTOWNSTEVE BULLSHIT communist bullshit
The US economy has been hit by 2 devastating events in the last 8 years. 9/11 and the subprime meltdown. The later ala-bush and the former ala-clinton and still our economy has expanded and the middle class has grown. The complete and utter failure that has been the last 8 years created 5.06 Million, I jobs. But you spew the Obama socialist rhetoric without research or thinking. All this after suffering the aforementioned events.
OBAMA doesn’t care about the middle class he will tax and tax because its in his nature and he will destroy jobs and wealth in order to redistribute it. His ideology stems from his first and most important association his Socialist mother, and it was feed by a litany of ultra left wing individuals either attracted by his ideology or he to them for the same reason. He will tax not 5% of the TAX FILERS but 35% of the TAX payers that on top of THE AMT grab your ankles boys and butter up. Remember the rich will not get taxed on the money they already have (unless they die) so the ones that really get hurt are the folks on there way up not the ones that are already there.
Despite two periods of recession in the past decade, U.S. worker productivity still rose 18% in the 2000s - about 2.5% per year.
But inflation-adjusted income for the American middle-class family actually fell during the same period. The median real income for working-age middle-income families in the United States dropped $2,000 between 2000 and 2007, from about $58,500 to $56,500 (numbers from the US Census report August 2008)
As a result, the 2000-2007 business cycle was the first ever in which the nation's middle-class families had less real income at the end than when they started.
Oh, and you might check with John McCain about Barack Obama being a Socialist. McCain told Larry King that he (McCain) didn't think Obama was a Socialist.
Assuming that someone with a different opinion has not looked at facts is a Conservative trait. When a person has law on their side, they argue the law. When the facts are one your side, you argue the facts. When you have neither law or all the facts, one tends to jump up and down and yell.
In print, people either type in all caps, or exposing coprophilia by degenerating into fecal references. When you have strong and fact-based convictions, you don't need the crap.
I see, when someone that agrees with you does it, you you look th eother way. When I do it you turn into a worthless piece of shit lawyer. I guess uptownsteve must be the Democrat racist you ignore and I'm the Republican you scream at and call names.
Obama talks like a socialist, acts like a Socialist and hangs out with Socialist.
Household income is a measure of current private income commonly used by the United States government and private institutions. To measure the income of a household, the pre-tax money receipts of all residents over the age of 15 over a single year are combined. Most of these receipts are in the form of wages and salaries, but many other forms of income, such as unemployment insurance, disability, child support, etc., are included as well. The residents of the household do not have to be related to the householder for their earnings to be considered part of the household's income.[1] As households tend to share a common economic fate, the use of household income remains among the most widely accepted measures of income. However, the size of a household, which is commonly not considered, creates significant distortions which offset gains or decreases in household income and makes direct comparisons between quintiles impossible.[2]
In 2007, the median annual household income rose 1.3% to $50,233.00 according to the Census Bureau.[3]The real median earnings of men who worked full time, year-round climbed between 2006 and 2007, from $43,460 to $45,113. For women, the corresponding increase was from $33,437 to $35,102. The median income per household member (including all working and non-working members above the age of 14) was $26,036 in 2006.[4] In 2006, there were approximately 116,011,000 households in the United States. 19.26% of all households had annual incomes exceeding $100,000,[5] 12.3% fell below the federal poverty threshold[6] and the bottom 20% earned less than $19,178.[7] The aggregate income distribution is highly concentrated towards the top, with the top 6.37% earning roughly one third of all income, and those with upper-middle incomes control a large, though declining, share of the total earned income.[8][2] Income inequality in the United States, which had decreased slowly after World War II until 1970, began to increase in the 1970s until reaching a peak in 2006. It declined a little in 2007.[9] Households in the top quintile, 77% of which had two or more income earners, had incomes exceeding $91,705. Households in the mid quintile, with a mean of approximately one income earner per household had incomes between $36,000 and $57,657. Households in the lowest quintile had incomes less than $19,178 and the majority had no income earner.[10]
all your bullshit is a lie, single income homes are poorer than multiple income homes. That's why you have to take care of your babies and stop bein a playa.. playa...
The Census Bureau just released its annual report that includes real, median household income for 2007 ($50,233). From the report:
Between 2006 and 2007, real median household income rose 1.3%, from $49,568 to $50,233 (see top chart above)—a level not statistically different from the 1999 prerecession income peak ($50,641 in 1999 and $50,557 in 2000). This was the third annual increase in real median household income. Compared with 1967, the first year for which household income statistics are available, real median household income has increased 29.6%.
Comments: A comparison of real median income in 1967 of $38,771 per household to income of $50,233 per household in 2007 (29.6% higher) doesn't take into account the significant 22% decline in average household size over this period, from 3.28 persons per household in 1967 to an all-time low of 2.56 persons per household in 2007 (Census data here for income, here for average household size), see top chart above.
When adjusted for household size, real median income per household member reached an all-time high of $19,546 in 2007 (see bottom chart above), 65.6% higher than the $11,820 income per household member in 1967, and more than 2 times the unadjusted increase per household of 29.6% reported above.
Lost in all of the discussions and media reports about stagnating wages, income inequality, and the decline of the middle-class, we have this amazing statistical reality: In just a little more than one generation, real median income per household member has increased by a factor of almost 2/3!
You must be getting your fact based believes from a crack pipe.
You think Obama is better than Bush, he is Bush fear fear fear..
Can't say when he's wrong, smoked dope and sniffed coke like Bush, God Complex
oh yea and that guy Bill Ayers. The one that Obama doesn't know and never hug out with.. You know the one he never sniffing coke with or burned a fatty with... He dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan. When you hang out with shit (feces)you expose coprophilia translation (you get shit on you)
so lets review
-hangs out with felons who raise money for him. from the neighborhood
-hang out with terrorist he really doesn't know from around
-Goes to Jew bashing parties and the media hides tapes of it
-sweetheart real-estate deals and loans during the fraud laden subprime days
BO is turning into J-lo he's just
Baracko from the block or maybe he the Teflon Don
Anonymous said...
I see, when someone that agrees with you does it, you you look th eother way. When I do it you turn into a worthless piece of shit lawyer. I guess uptownsteve must be the Democrat racist you ignore and I'm the Republican you scream at and call names.
..................all your bullshit is a lie, single income homes are poorer than multiple income homes. That's why you have to take care of your babies and stop bein a playa.. playa...
Actually I was dealing with MY conversation with YOU. I thought I was talking to an adult and not Flava Flav, but so be it.
If you want to discuss playas, you might talk to the Levi guy who hangs out with Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter. Will she still wear white to a White House wedding?
You are on a guilt trip in which you are a constant victim. I separated out policy issues with the GOP from ethnic issues in the GOP. I never called you a racist.
You seem to have low self esteem. That explains the coprophilia.
I pointed out that Neil Cavuto couldn't figure out McCain's economic policy. The Economist and the Financial Times endorse Obama.
We happen to disagree on who we feel would be better at the helm of the government.
The McCain campaign has been schizophrenic. How can I trust him as President? His first important choice choice was the Queen of Eurobonics, Sarah Palin, for VP. Secessionist Palin has not been properly vetted. If Palin can't face the press , how can I trust her as next in line?
Finally, on the issue of economics, the McCain campaign itself knew that if the discussion came down to the economy, they would lose. The result Obama, is a Muslim, radical Christian, Socialist, Marxist, terrorist, anti-semite, community organizer, who likes arugula.
Let's see how that GOP meme works out on Tuesday.
yikes what happened here?
everyone's so defensive ...
maybe it'd be more productive if those people who identify as Republicans spelled out what the GOP has done for people of color since 1968.
those people who identify as Democrats spelled out what the GOP has done for people of color since 1968.
And those of us who identify as independents can sit back and enjoy the show =)
@anonymous (Independent)
How about the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
The National Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. § 1973–1973aa-6)[1] outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African Americans in the United States. Echoing the language of the 15th Amendment, the Act prohibited states from imposing any "voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice, or procedure ... to deny or abridge the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color."[2] Specifically, Congress intended the Act to outlaw the practice of requiring otherwise qualified voters to pass literacy tests in order to register to vote, a principal means by which southern states had prevented African-Americans from exercising the franchise.[3]
The Act established extensive federal oversight of elections administration, providing that states with a history of discriminatory voting practices (so-called "covered jurisdictions") could not implement any change affecting voting without first obtaining the approval of the Department of Justice, a process known as pre-clearance. These enforcement provisions applied to states and political subdivisions (mostly in the South) that had used a "device" to limit voting and in which less than 50 percent of the population was registered to vote in 1964. Congress has amended and extended the Act several times since its original passage, the most recent being the 25-year extension signed by President George W. Bush on July 27, 2006.
The Act is widely considered a landmark in civil-rights legislation, though some of its provisions have sparked political controversy. During the debate over the 2006 extension, some Republican members of Congress objected to renewing the pre-clearance requirement (the Act's primary enforcement provision), arguing that it represents an overreach of federal power and places unwarranted bureaucratic demands on Southern states that have long since abandoned the discriminatory practices the Act was meant to eradicate.[4] Conservative legislators also opposed requiring states with large Spanish-speaking populations to provide bilingual ballots.[5] Congress nonetheless voted to extend the Act for twenty-five years with its original enforcement provisions left intact.[6]
Final Vote: For-Against
Senate: 79–18
* Democrats: 49–17
* Republicans: 30–1
House: 328–74
* Democrats: 217–54
* Republicans: 111–20
The vote was essentially a North vs South vote. Northern Senators from both parties voted For, southern Senators voted Against. As the GOP gained power in the South, that party became the one opposed to extending the Act in 2006 because of opposition from Southern Republicans.
Now could you please list what Independents have done, except watch the show?
"Now could you please list what Independents have done, except watch the show?"
I show data that directly contradicts your rhetoric and Obama’s but you key in on a flava flav moment, When asked about racism in the democratic party and why you do not apply the same rules that you wish me to apply to the Republicans party you change the subject or ignore it. Based on how the campaigns have been run then yes OBAMA should be president but unless I missed something that wasn’t on the job description. One of Obama’s resume entries is him running a campaign. That’s using the interview as experience for the job. Senator Obama has repeatedly said that the abuses and economic philosophy of the last twenty something years will come to an end when he is president, what are we going back to? Jimmy Carter? Sounds like 70% tax brackets to me, am I wrong? What he says and the truth are very different. Again how am I wrong when I say that the top 5% of earners pay 35% of the taxes so he will raise taxes on 35% of tax payers not 5%?
this is the economist endorsement
The Economist does not have a vote, but if it did, it would cast it for Mr Obama. We do so wholeheartedly: the Democratic candidate has clearly shown that he offers the better chance of restoring America’s self-confidence. But we acknowledge it is a gamble. Given Mr Obama’s inexperience, the lack of clarity about some of his beliefs and the prospect of a stridently Democratic Congress, voting for him is a risk. Yet it is one America should take, given the steep road ahead.
anonymous if you want to dwell on the racism that's fine. Robert Byrd was a Klan Kleagle, a Klan recruiter. In the 1960's following the death of a grandson, Byrd underwent a spiritual transformation. The WVA senator came to realize that African-Americans loved their children as much as he loved his. Byrd currently has an 85% approval rating from the NAACP Legal Defense Fund on Civil Rights legislation. Ex VA Senator George Allen got a 14% rating. Byrd supported $10M in extra funding for the MLK Memorial. Byrd and MLK may have become friends had King lived.
During the Democratic primaries there was a knock down fight about race-baiting between the Obama and Clinton campaigns. Pay attention now. While Conservatives stood on the sidelines and guffawed, the Democratic Party actually confronted the issue. This discussion could NEVER happen in the GOP. The reluctance of the GOP to consider race as a factor is a major reason that Blacks reject the GOP. Black Republicans buy into this rejection of race as a factor in political life, and thus, to a large degree feel rejected by the African-American community.
After Obama-Clinton race debate, greater than 80% of Black Democrats polled said they would still support Hillary Clinton if she were the Democratic candidate. Bill clinton who was caught up in the race-baiting conflict is out on the trail campaigning for Obama, as is Hillary.
Black Democrats would have supported Hillary based on differences of opinion with the GOP platform. White and Black Democrats would have looked at the issues and supported the Democratic candidate.
The White female Clinton supporters that McCain thought he would gain by selecting Palin, have rejected the Alaskan Governor and are voting for Obama. (Except for the Rothschild lady who called rural Whites "rednecks". Rothschild supports McCain/Palin.)
From a racial standpoint, I'll take the Democratic Party over the GOP every time.
Regarding the economy, McCain doesn't have a financial platform that anyone can comprehend. McCain came into the Senate bailout meetings after "suspending" his campaign (a lie). Obama thought that bringing Presidential politics into the bailout discussion would result in disaster. McCain came in, and the talks collapsed. I'll go with Obama who seemed to have the best instincts. McCain seems much more risky.
By the way, Al-Queda is being attacked in Pakistan using the tactic that Obama suggested and McCain considered naive.
So the race issue came up, tempers flared, feelings were hurt. In the end the Democratic Party is united. The GOP is INCAPABLE of having a discussion on race.
"The GOP is INCAPABLE of having a discussion on race."
Outstanding point rmrd.
We see what happens to the few Black Republicans of character like Powell and Randy Daniels who've stood up to the GOP on the race issue.
They're either booed or treated like pets who shitted on the floor. Shoved in the corner and beaten with rolled up newspaper.
Speaking for myself, I don't respect Black Republicans because they don't stand up for black people. They don't even stand up for themselves.
They act like slaves begging for scraps from massa's table.
"The GOP is INCAPABLE of having a discussion on race."
Outstanding point rmrd.
We see what happens to the few Black Republicans of character like Powell and Randy Daniels who've stood up to the GOP on the race issue.
They're either booed or treated like pets who shitted on the floor. Shoved in the corner and beaten with rolled up newspaper.
Speaking for myself, I don't respect Black Republicans because they don't stand up for black people. They don't even stand up for themselves.
They act like slaves begging for scraps from massa's table.
As I read your comments I can't help but to say that you are castigating Republicans and Black Republicans specifically for looking beyond the color of a mans skin. You are in reality what you hate, a racist. The dialog you speak of was the feeble attempt by a few to rationalize why so many Clinton supporters turned on her. A more qualified, better prepared highly intelligent candidate whose only handicap was that she was not black. Forget about McCain for a minute and tell me with a straight face that Senator Barack Obama was a better choice for America than Hilary Clinton.
Racism is not the sole domain of the Republican Party; white folks aren’t the only racist. To suggest that the Clintons are wholeheartedly supporting Obama only shows how blind you are. Clinton said and I paraphrase I support Barack Obama because I am a loyal Democrat (On the View) He never said “because I think he is better for the country” or “I think he has what we need” Lets look at Obama from a different pair of glasses, I say he didn’t go to Washington because he didn’t want to look like he’s following the leader, because he didn’t have a clue. He treated the situation very much like the Russian Georgian issue, didn’t say a who lot, said the wrong thing and then changed his mind several times until he came to the conclusion that what McCain said was the right thing.
Obama suggested we bomb an ally without there permission, seems like to me that the Pakistanis haven’t made much of an issue besides some token noise to satisfy elements of there Government. When Obama gets away from the teleprompter the true Obama spills out. His actions are measured because he is protecting a dwindling lead but if and when he gets the job watch out.
I did not vote for Barack Obama because I believe he is a socialist that will return us to the dark days of Jimmy Carter,
I did not vote for Senator Obama because his views on abortion are tantamount to on demand birth control.
I did not vote for Barack Obama because he is in the pocket of Unions especially school teachers unions and I refuse to continue to endorse a failed system
I did not vote for Barack Obama because he does not have the experience to run this country and I believe we will be run by Pelosi/Reed
I do believe Barack Obama is the smartest candidate, I do believe that in 4 years he would be ready, I do believe that with that experience would come a softening of his ultra left wing stance
this negro is hopeless.
........Again how am I wrong when I say that the top 5% of earners pay 35% of the taxes so he will raise taxes on 35% of tax payers not 5%?
In the United States at the end of 2001, 10% of the population owned 71% of the wealth, and the top 1% controlled 38%. On the other hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation's wealth.
In describing tax systems, it is important to distinguish between the share of taxes paid on a given income, and the share paid by a person with a given income. For example, if a person earns $1,000,000 and is taxed at a rate of 10%, they will owe $100,000 in taxes. On the other hand, if a person earns $10,000 and is taxed at a rate of 20%, they will owe $2000 in taxes. The person with the greater income is taxed at a lower rate but pays a higher tax. The person with the lesser income is taxed at a higher rate but pays a lower tax.
The US tax system is a mixture of progressive taxation and regressive taxation. The income tax is progressive, capital gains tax, at a lower rate than the income tax, could be considered regressive, as could the sales tax, since the less wealthy spend a greater percentage of their income. In 2003, the 1% with the highest salaries paid more than 34% of the nation's federal income tax; the 10% with the highest salaries paid more than 66% of the total income tax; the top 25% of paid 84% of the income taxes; and the upper 50% accounted for nearly 97% of US income tax revenue.[citation needed] This is an inevitable consequence of the concentration of wealth. People who do not have much money cannot pay high taxes, even when they pay a greater percentage of their earnings in taxes.
I'll accept your 35% of taxpayers number if you accept that the 10% of the population that owns 71% of the wealth should be paying 71% of the taxes. To me, both statements about taxes (5%=35% and 10%=71%) are equally ridiculous.
Lower wage earners get hit disproportionately with sales taxes because of a lower income. Giving the middle class income tax relief makes sense.
As I watch a portion of the bailout money being used to pay for bonuses for bank executives who made bad business decisions and expect a welfare check, I'm not feeling sorry that more of their money will go back into the government coffers from whence they came. In fact I'd support those ladies and gentleman being taxed at the 71% rate.
love you 2 uptownsteve. We can agree to disagree and on the 5th whomever is president will be my president and I hope you feel the same
love you 2 uptownsteve. We can agree to disagree and on the 5th whomever is president will be my president and I hope you feel the same
anonymous, remove the shackles from your brain. Politics is all about compromise Bill Clinton wanted Hillary to be President, yet he is out campaigning with Obama. CBill Clinton has personal hurt thathe is dealing with, but he is supporting Obama.
Colin Powell, Ken Adelman, Christopher Buckley, et al have jumped of the McCain bandwagon and are voting for Obama.
Regarding the GOP and African-Americans here is a post on HHR posted today.
McCain & Race
This blog reached out this week to the Republican National Committee requesting information regarding how McCain's policies will help African Americans. We at HHR want to thank the McCain campaign for putting together and sending us this . This information is no where to be found on the McCain campaign so most people have not read it. The Republican National Committee has a small piece on blacks on its site ironically it forwards to the McCain page.
No Black Republican Link in RNC Link Section
It has been years since RNC provided a link on its page "not even a Facebook page" to refer blacks interested in the Party . The entire RNC links section is . If you go to the page these groups are listed.
Republican Groups
National Assembly of Irish American Republicans
National Federation of Republican Women
National Teen Age Republicans
Republican Jewish Coalition
Republican National Hispanic Assembly
The closest to a black group on here is Star Parker the Evangelical writer and authors website the Coalition for Urban Renewal and Education
What does that say about outreach to the African-American community by the GOP? Blacks are unimportant to the GOP. at least the Mississippi freedom Party had the courage to confront the racist Mississippi Democrats head on. What are YOU going to do about being ignored by the GOP?
Why is it that when Limbaugh makes a racist statement like he did concerning Donovan McNabb, White Conservatives found microphones to criticize Rush, but Black Conservatives were silent?
As I watch a portion of the bailout money being used to pay for bonuses for bank executives who made bad business decisions and expect a welfare check, I'm not feeling sorry that more of their money will go back into the government coffers from whence they came. In fact I'd support those ladies and gentleman being taxed at the 71% rate.
I disagree with you 100%... They shouldn't have the opportunity to pay any taxes; in my world they'd be getting a different kind of check
An unemployment check
It’s disgraceful that we bailed them out and they are getting bonuses…….
I am disgusted and offended by that bovin feces.
and these black folk would be surprised to know they don't exist
Dr. C.T. Wright - member of the School Board of Fountain Hills
Alban Isaac Niles - Judge, Superior Court
Aquanetta Warren - Member of the City Council of the City of Fontana
Willie Breazell - Member of the Colorado Spring School District 11
Ryan Frazier - Member of the City Council of Aurora
Veronica Airey-Wilson, Deputy Mayor of the Hartford Court of Common Council of Hartford
Donald A. Blakey, Representative District 34
Jennifer Carroll - Representative District 13
Art Graham - Council member District 13, Jacksonville
Glorious Johnson - Council member-at-Large, Jacksonville
Esther Berry - Commissioner, City of South Bay
David O. Archie - Vice-Mayor, Tarpon Springs
Gow B. Fields - Commissioner, Lakeland
James Adams - Circuit Judge (20th District), Fort Myers
James Green - Member of the Lee Memorial Health System Board, Fort Myers
Albert C.Jones - City Commissioner Dania Beach,Fla
Mr. Ron Allen - Commissioner of the City of Wildwood.
David Anderson - Member of the Martin County School Board.
Willie Talton - Representative District 145
Melvin Everson - Representative District 106
Ralph Moore - Mayor, Union City
Michael Cunegin II - Council member, Fort Wayne
Isaac Randolph - City-County Council member, Indianapolis
Curtis Hill - Prosecuting Attorney of Elkart County
Cynthia Ayres - Superior Court Judge of Marion County
Reuben Hill - Superior Court Judge of Marion County
Frank G. Cousins, Jr. - Sheriff, Essex County
Bill Hardiman - Senator District 29
Mike Rogers - Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Brenda Battle-Jordan, member of the Flint School Board
Yvonne Brown - Mayor, Tchula,
Maurice Fulton Lucas - Mayor, Renova
Franklin Thompson - City Councilman, Omaha,
New Jersey
Theresa Brown - Freeholder, Burlington County
New Mexico
Jane E. Powdrell-Culbert - Representative District 44
Maurice Washington - Senator District 2
New York
Marquette L. Floyd - Justice, Supreme Court
Joan B. Johnson - Clerk, Islip
Joseph K. West - Judge, County Court, Westchester County
Richard St. Paul, member of the City Council of New Rochelle
Trudy (Gertrude) White-Hamilton, member of the City Council of Canadaigua
North Carolina
Thomas A. Stith, Councilmember, City of Durham
Pearl Burris-Floyd - Commissioner, Gaston County
Ola M. Lewis, Senior Resident Superior Court Judge, Southport NC
Clara Pugh - Vice-Mayor Forest Park
Lee Espirit - Councilman, Xenia
Richard Atkinson - Councilman, Youngstown
Bob Fountain - Councilman, Painesville
Jeff Harris - Councilman, Newark
William Richardson - Councilman, Waynesburg
Virgil Brown Jr. - Cuyahoga County School Board
Kim Brown - Judge, Domestic Relations, Franklin County
Guy Reese - Judge, Common Pleas, Franklin County
Dwayne Maynard - Judge, Municipal Court, Franklin County
James Greene - Judge, Municipal Court, Franklin County
Kim Wilson Burke - Judge, Common Pleas, Hamilton County
Kendal Coes - Judge, Municipal Court, Hamilton County
John West - Judge, Common Pleas, Hamilton County
John Burlew - Judge, Municipal Court, Hamilton County
William Littlejohn - Judge, Municipal Court, Montgomery County
James Cannon - Judge, Municipal Court, Dayton
Melba D. Marsh - Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Hamilton County
Alice O. McCollum- Ju dge, Municipal Court, Dayton
Donald K. McLaurin - Mayor, Trotwood
Denise Cross - Domestic Relations Judge, Dayton, Ohio
T.W. Shannon - Representative, District 62
Charles L. Owens - Judge, District Court
Jackie Winters - Senator, District 10
Richelle Reid - Council member, Middletown
Robert Reid - Mayor, Middletown
Robert A. Wright - Senior Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County
Robert C. Wright - Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County
Frances Pierce - Register of Wills, Montgomery County
Garrett Page - Treasurer, Montgomery County
Vincent D. Gordon - Vice President School Board, Upper Darby School District Upper Darby, PA
South Carolina
Timothy E. Scott - Council member, Charleston County
George H. Brown, Jr. - Judge, Circuit Court
Daryl K. Hubbard - Court Clerk, City Court, Jackson
Wallace Jefferson - Justice, State Supreme Court
Gwen Morrison - Trustee, Tarrant County Junior College
Dale Wainwright - Justice, State Supreme Court
Michael L. Williams - Chair, Railroad Commission
Gregory Parker - Commissioner, Comal County
Bobbie J, Mitchell - Commissioner, Denton County
Ken Bryant, Trustee - Fort Bend County
Dr. Robin Armstrong - Vice Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
John E. Gordon - Supervisor, Hanover County-South Anna
Octavia L. Johnson - Sheriff, Roanoke
Gabe A. Morgan - Sheriff, Newport News
Glendell Hill - Sheriff, Prince William County
C. E. "Cliff" Hayes, Jr. - Councilman, City of Chesapeake
Sandra Smith-Jones - Member of the Virginia Beach School Board
U.S. Virgin Islands
Lawrence Boschulte - Member, Board of Elections and Chairman of the St. Thomas/St John District
Roberto deOneal - Member, Board of Elections
James (Jim) Henry III City of Poulsbo, WA City Council, Position 3
David A. Clarke Jr. - Sheriff, Milwaukee County
I found this on teh net and it's what will happen with Obamas tax increases SBM
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that's what they decided to do.
The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve.
"Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20."
Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free.
But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'
They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.
"I only got a dollar out of the $20," declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, "but he got $10!"
"Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!"
"That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!"
"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.
The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
"tax them too much..."
um, our progressive income tax was higher under reagan and higher under clinton
lower under bush and we get stomped on
explain how that works?
Alan Greenspan made it clear that his assumptions about what financial institutions would do with deregulation was in error.
Republicans were fiscally irresponsible when they controlled the White House, Senate, and House.
Republicans had to be bought off by tacking on billions in pork to support the bail out plan.
McCain's economic plan can't be deciphered.
Forgive me, if I tend to dismiss Conservative ideology on finances and markets.
Very much in error because democrats instead of calling for regulation tried to give there buddy Fannie Mae a pass, there is youtube video of De,democrats attacking Republicans for seeking to enforce regulatory laws on the books...here is the video found it!
Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis.
At a 2004 hearing see Democrat after Democrat covering up and attacking the regulations to protect Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (their Cash Cows) that are now destroying our economy because the Democrats let them cheat.
anonymous, which party controlled the Presidency, Senate, and House in 2004?
let's go have a beer.
LOL anonymous. The next president is going to face enormous problems. I see Obama as being more adaptable.
McCain has spent his campaign trying to scare us about Obama rather than telling us what he proposes. Sarah Palin as second in command scares me.
Both Palin and Biden may misspeak on occasion, but Palin stand out as being unqualified.
I hope that Obama wins. Whatever choice the country makes, I will pray for wisdom for the next President.
Whatever choice the country makes, I will pray for wisdom for the next President.
Second thing I agree with you? God bless
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