~Hey folks this is going to be a big week for HHR this blog will be doing over 20 different interviews around the country this week. We are doing HOT 97,NPR's the Leonard Lopate Show, ITN Washington Bureau and The Star Malaysia number one new paper. This is just a few we have done so many it is hard to count and now we are doing another week. Everyone remember no matter who you support Obama or McCain just "do you" and get out and vote peace out! Also Monday will be the launch of the new HHR.2.0. The new site will look like an online magazine witha forum to debate the issues and speak out!
In the meantime HipHopRepublican.com's Marcus Skelton is now a regular guest on NPR's Barbershop with Michelle Martin about Obama's recent prime time television address. The barbershop is a radios how where black males from different ideological beliefs come together to discuss the issues of the day.
In the meantime HipHopRepublican.com's Marcus Skelton is now a regular guest on NPR's Barbershop with Michelle Martin about Obama's recent prime time television address. The barbershop is a radios how where black males from different ideological beliefs come together to discuss the issues of the day.
Talk is cheap..Platitudes mean nothing without action..McCain actions were aginst the MLK Holiday...That speaks volumes for me..
Thrasher c/o PLANE IDEAS
why is there a video attached to this post? seems pretty random.
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