Monday, October 27, 2008

Blacks & the Republican Party

By Richard Ivory

Last week I received a document from The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies one of the nation’s premier research and public policy institutions and the only one whose work focuses exclusively on issues of particular concern to African Americans and other people of color.

This document funded by the AARP should be required reading for any person interested in Republican minority outreach. If there is a glimpse of hope for the party in this 30 page document it is that on average younger blacks agree with the Republican Party than the Democrat Party. However the document states that the southern white male dominate image of the parties leadership keeps many of them away.

The document is entitled "Blacks and the 2008 Republican Convention" a free copy is available for download HERE. For more information, go to


Anonymous said...

what is wrong with my math?

Obama claims that 95% of Americans make less then 250K a year.
40% of those Americans pay no taxes because they make less than a certain amount of money.

The 5% of Americans who make more than 250K a year pay 35% of all taxes, them Obama is raising taxes on 35% of tax payers is this correct? SBM

Anonymous said...

Anon, can't tell if you're genuinely confused or being snarky but either way you can check out the following links to determine the tax stuff: (tax policy center analysis, non-partisan)

Basically, both candidates are cutting taxes.

Here's the gist of it:
"Obama's plan gives the biggest cuts to those who make the least, while McCain would give the largest cuts to the very wealthy. For the approximately 147,000 families that make up the top 0.1 percent of the income scale, the difference between the two plans is stark. While McCain offers a $269,364 tax cut, Obama would raise their taxes, on average, by $701,885 - a difference of nearly $1 million."


Re: the article

You should check out the Joint Center's previous convention studies for both Republicans and Democrats. And read David Bositis' books. There's a lot of great info in there, and I agree, it should be required reading for anyone doing party outreach (and anyone opposing it).

I think the GOP can win black voters... it has in the past, especially on the state and local level... even after the huge demographic switch of 1964. In 1965 John Lindsay won 43% of the black vote when he (successfully) ran for mayor... there are definitely modern day examples too. Lindsay's pretty remarkable because essentially, what he does, is go to all of the predominately black enclaves in NY... repeatedly... and talk to them about their interests and ambitions. He builds it into his campaign effort and backs it up with policies and legislation that reflects those voters. It's pretty remarkable and it's a great case for two-party competition.

But the joint center is right, the party has to break that brand image of "southern white male dominance" if it's going to be competitive for minority voters, not just black voters. Again, I think it's possible, but it's definitely an uphill battle given folks like Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, etc. who, although they may not speak for the entire party, by virtue of their station and power... have come to represent the GOP in 2008.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the document